Lunch time pancakes are a favourite in my household. I couldn't be bothered getting up earlier in the morning to make them, so we tend to have them for lunch about once a week when I just can't stomach the thought of eating yet another sandwich for lunch. Well, actually, I don't like eating sandwiches very much at all - 13 years of eating crappy sandwiches every day for lunch at school tends to put you off them for life. To be fair, I made my own lunch every day since about year 2, so I can't blame anyone but myself for the crappy sandwiches, but anyway...
I've run out of eggs and I forgot to get some last Thursday when I did the grocery shopping. Of course, I really wanted pancakes for lunch and I couldn't be bothered to load the kids up into the car to go down the street just to get eggs. Besides, Wombat was having a nap and I figure that it's best to just leave sleeping Wombats to lay. I came up with the brilliant idea of searching the net for a recipe for eggless pancakes. "How different can they be?" I thought.
I found a recipe that the comments assured didn't taste any different to normal pancakes, printed it off and got to work. When I ate the first one (I eat as I cook), I decided that the cinnamon was too strong and the vanilla wasn't strong enough, so I added a little more vanilla. The next one also tasted funny. It was at this point that I realised why pancakes have eggs in them. It's because they taste like utter crap without them. I cooked up the rest anyway. Let's face it, I'm not going to waste food when I have a Seagull who will finish it for me. I shoveled down as much as I could stomach, then saved the last three for Seagull. He was excited to be getting pancakes for lunch and hooked in with great gusto.
Next time I want pancakes, I won't be lazy - I'll go and buy some eggs first. And some flour. I used the last of the flower making the eggless crap-cakes.
On a side note, Wombat figured out how to roll onto his tummy on Saturday evening. He's been trying for weeks and was getting really frustrated that he couldn't get over. Now that he can get over, he gets really frustrated that he is stuck there because he can't roll back and hasn't quite got the strength in his arms to hold himself up for more than about 30 seconds.
Oh this post cracked me up, which I needed after my tearful vlogging on my blog. Thank you!! I will remember that pancakes need eggs. In fact I think I am going to make my girl & I pancakes for lunch today now - thanks for the inspiration!
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I'm glad I was able to make your day that little bit better. :) I hope the pancakes were good.
Hahaha we always run out of eggs. Does your first pancake of every batch not work out or is that just me? I'm thinking the pan isn't hot enough maybe?
I'm the same - the first pancake is the test one. It still tastes good, but looks pretty dodgy.
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